Spray-Foam Roofing Advantages

Spray-Foam Roofing Advantages

Polyurethane Spray Foam Roofing Systems provide many benefits to building owners. The two most prominent benefits are waterproofing/leak prevention and insulation value. Many additional benefits also exist such as superior compression strength, durability and a long life span.

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Benefits of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam:

  • No seams! Leak-free seal over your entire roof deck!

  • Self-flashing

  • High insulation value / Rapid payback with energy savings

  • Strong adhesion and wind-resistance

  • Weather resistant

  • Lightweight and high strength

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam is applied as a liquid using plural-component spray equipment to fill cracks and crevices. It then expands approximately 30 times its original liquid volume to form a hard, closed cell monolithic roof surface. The Polyurethane Foam dries within seconds after applied to the roof surface. Its expansion results in a weather tight roofing membrane that is fully adhered to the substrate. Because of polyurethane’s lightweight it adds little additional weight to the structure and is often used in remedial applications. Polyurethane Foam has a history of more than 35 years as a maintainable roofing medium. Polyurethane Foam also adds excellent insulation value to the structure and utility bills can reflect the difference.

Even concrete will fail and deteriorate over time. And when it does it always fails at seams or joints. For that reason, when uncompromising strength and longevity is required, engineers specify a monolithic, continuous placement of the concrete.

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam is monolithic.